Resources for Families

Resources for Families

If you’re caring for someone who has Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, you know that encouraging them to eat nutritious meals can be a daily challenge – especially during the middle and late stages of the disease.

“We work with many families who are experiencing this challenge,” said Sierra Goetz, co-founder and operations manager at Tudor Oaks Home Care’s partner, the HomeCare Advocacy Network (HCAN). “Refusal to eat can be caused by a number of things – there could be a medical condition, they may not recognize that food is something to eat, they may have lost the sense of hunger and thirst or they might get distracted at mealtime. Whatever the reason, it’s important to find ways to ensure they get the nutrition they need.”

The Alzheimer’s Association offers the following tips to help make mealtimes a little more calm and comfortable:

Continue reading Helping Loved Ones With Dementia Get the Nutrition They Need

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News / Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

Did you know that Alzheimer’s disease actually begins 20 or more years before memory loss and other symptoms develop?

“Most people know that Alzheimer’s is a cruel disease, but there’s a lot about the disease that people don’t understand,” said Sierra Goetz, co-founder and operations manager at Tudor Oaks Home Care’s partner, the HomeCare Advocacy Network (HCAN). “June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, so we’re joining other organizations to educate people about Alzheimer’s and share information about available resources and support.” Continue reading Alzheimer’s Disease By The Numbers

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Resources for Families

Are aging loved ones traveling with you on this summer’s family vacation?

While it’s a wonderful opportunity for quality family time, traveling with older loved ones can be challenging, especially if they have Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia.

“Lots of great memories are made on summer vacations, so it’s wonderful when grandma and grandpa are able to travel with the rest of the family,” said Sierra Goetz, co-founder and operations manager at Tudor Oaks Home Care’s partner, the HomeCare Advocacy Network (HCAN). “If your senior has health issues, limited mobility or dementia, travel may be challenging – but it’s not impossible. Taking a few extra steps before you hit the road can help you avoid potential problems”

Continue reading Tips For Traveling With Someone Who Has Dementia

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News / Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

Did you know that arthritis isn’t a single disease? The term actually refers to joint pain or joint disease, and there are more than 100 types of arthritis and related conditions.

May is recognized annually as Arthritis Awareness Month – an opportunity for us to join the Arthritis Foundation and other organizations to share information about arthritis and ways you can treat or manage it.

Here are some fast facts from the Arthritis Foundation: Continue reading Fast Facts About Arthritis

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News / Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

Whether its tending a large vegetable plot, working in a community garden, or planting a few potted pansies, gardening can do wonders for a seniors overall health and well-being.

More Than A Hobby

For many seniors, gardening is much more than a hobby. Being outdoors and digging in the dirt is a great way for seniors to improve their physical and emotional health,” said Sierra Goetz, co-founder and operations manager at Tudor Oaks Home Care’s partner, the HomeCare Advocacy Network (HCAN). With a little help, even seniors with limited space, mobility, or other aging struggles can enjoy the benefits of gardening.”

Here are a few ways your aging loved ones can benefit from gardening:

Continue reading Senior Green Thumbs – The Benefits of Gardening

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Resources for Families

Your dad shouldn’t be driving anymore, but he won’t give up the car keys.

Your mom can no longer keep the house clean, but she refuses to hire a cleaning lady.

Both of your parents could use a little assistance with day-to-day tasks, but when you bring up the idea of hiring a professional, in-home caregiver, they quickly shut down the conversation.

“It’s something we encounter a lot – older adults stubbornly resisting any kind of help. Of course, some of them are in denial, but most are embarrassed or too proud to admit they can no longer do it all,” said Mark Goetz, co-founder and president of Tudor Oaks Home Care’s partner, the HomeCare Advocacy Network (HCAN). “They’ve spent years enjoying an independent lifestyle – working, raising families, traveling and making decisions for themselves. Understandably, they don’t want to lose that independence, so convincing them to accept help can be very challenging.”

Continue reading When Your Aging Loved Ones Need (But Won’t Accept) Help

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Resources for Families

Your mom lives alone and no longer drives.

She rarely leaves the house and has lost connections with friends and activities that she used to love.

You worry about her spending too much time alone – and with good reason.

According to the National Institute on Aging, isolation and loneliness are associated with higher risks for a number of health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity. And now results from a new National Health and Aging Trends study suggest it also increases the likelihood of developing dementia. Continue reading Social Isolation and Dementia

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Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

The last time you visited your mom, you noticed something was off. Maybe she was a little more forgetful than usual or she struggled to get out of a chair. Perhaps you spied an unopened stack of mail or an unexplained dent in her car.

Although subtle, these can be signs that your mom may need a little help to continue living safely in her home.

“Admitting you need help isn’t easy for most seniors. They want to remain in their own homes for as long as possible, so they likely will downplay or try to hide any potential threat to their independence,” said Sierra Goetz, co-founder and operations manager of Tudor Oaks Home Care’s partner, the HomeCare Advocacy Network (HCAN). “Because it’s unlikely they’ll ask for help, it’s important for loved ones to understand the signs the signs that may indicate they need assistance,”

Continue reading Does Your Loved One Need a Caregiver?

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News / Resources for Families

You worked hard.

You achieved your professional goals.

You saved enough money to retire early and comfortably.

You love traveling, playing golf and spending time with your family, but you’re also looking for more – maybe a meaningful encore career.

“Professional caregiving is a great option for older men and women who want more than a paycheck. The older caregivers on our team enjoy staying active and, most importantly, making an important difference in the lives of others,” said Sierra Goetz, operations manager at Tudor Oaks Home Care’s partner, the Home Care Advocacy Network. “With many years of life and work experience experience, retirees have so much to offer – that’s why they’re such great caregivers.”

Continue reading Are You Ready for an Encore Career?

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News / Resources for Families

Do you have aging loved ones who are living with diabetes?

A chronic condition, diabetes affects how the body turns food into energy. It occurs when the pancreases is no longer able to make insulin or when the body can’t make good use of the insulin it produces. Over time, diabetes can cause serious health problems, such as heart disease, kidney disease and vision loss.

According to the American Diabetes Association:

  • Approximately 37.3 million Americans (11.3%) have diabetes
  • More than 15.9 million seniors (29.2%) have diabetes
  • Nearly 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year
  • Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S.
  • By 2050, it’s estimated that cases in older women will rise by 270% and older men by 430%

“Although there is no cure, there are things you can do to help your senior loved ones manage their diabetes and continue to live independently in their homes,” said Sierra Goetz, co-founder and operations manager at Tudor Oaks Home Care’s partner, the HomeCare Advocacy Network (HCAN). “If family members or friends aren’t available to help, you might want to consider hiring an in-home professional caregiver – someone who will consistently deliver services needed to help your loved ones stay on top of prescribed dietary, exercise and medication regimens.” Continue reading Five Ways Home Care Can Help Seniors Living with Diabetes

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